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北大经院 | 讲座预告(12.15

发布日期:2025-01-03 17:32    点击次数:194

北大经院工作坊第397场 Ownership Networks and Firm Growth: What Do Forty Million Companies Tell Us About the Chinese Economy? 发展与公共财政工作坊       主讲人:   祝武(清华大学经管学院金融学助理教授)   主持老师:   (北大国发院)席天扬   时间:   2021年12月15日(周三)   14:00-15:30     地点:   北京大学国家发展研究院246教室   主讲人简介:   祝武,清华大学经管学院金融学助理教授,2021年获得宾夕法尼亚大学经济学博士学位与统计学硕士学位。博士期间曾在国际货币基金等机构实习。   主要研究领域为公司金融,资产定价,机器(深度)学习,宏观经济学,网络经济学,及中国经济。他的研究曾多次获得金融学最佳论文奖或提名-如中国金融国际年会最佳论文将,中国金融研究最佳论文奖,美国金融管理协会投资最佳论文奖提名,美国中西部金融协会最佳博士论文奖提名等。   摘要:   The finance–growth nexus has been a central question in understanding the unprecedented success of the Chinese economy. With unique data on all the registered firms in China, we build extensive ownership networks, reflecting firm-to-firm equity investment relationships, and show that thesenetworks have been expanding rapidly since the 2000s, with more than five million firms in at least one network by 2017. Entering a network and increasing network centrality leads to higher firm growth. The effect of global centralities tends to persist and strengthen over time. Such positive network effects are more pronounced for high productivity and privately owned firms. The RMB 4 trillion stimulus, mostly in the form of newly issued bank loans and launched by the Chinese government in November 2008 in response to the global financial crisis, partially ‘crowded out’ the positive network effects. Our analysis suggests that equity ownership networks and bank credit tend to act as substitutes for state-owned enterprises, but as complements for privately owned firms in promoting growth.      北大经院工作坊第398场 Family background, social welfare and performance under pressure: evidence from a welfare reform in rural China 劳动-健康经济学工作坊       主讲人:   李芳华  (University of New South Wales' Business School Assistant Professor)   主持老师:   (北大经院)石菊   (北大国发院)雷晓燕   参与老师:   (北大经院)秦雪征、王耀璟、袁野、   Kevin Devereux   (北大国发院)赵耀辉、李玲、刘国恩、   张丹丹   时间:   2021年12月15日(周三)    15:30-17:00   地点:   北京大学国家发展研究院承泽园345教室   主讲人简介:   Fanghua Li is an Assistant Professor at University of New South Wales' Business School. She received his PhD in 2018 from the Department of Economics at the University of California, Los Angeles and BA from Renmin University of China in 2010.   Her research is in labor economics and development economics, particular in the areas of poverty alleviation, migration and education. She stayed in Chinese poor counties in the past two years for better understanding of the Targeted Poverty Alleviation practice of China. Her work has been published in Journal of Econometrics, Economic Research Journal (经济研究) and Social Sciences in China (中国社会科学) etc. .   摘要:   This paper explores a quasi-experiment in China that provides a selected group of people with better social welfare protection in multifaceted aspects, to examine how family background and the social welfare level affect people's relative performance under competitive pressure separately. Our setting is the China's National College Entrance Exam (CEE), widely regarded as the world's most competitive exam. In terms of people's relative performance on high-stakes CEE vs. low-stakes mock examinations held three months earlier, male students from poor families are comparable to their counterparts from higher-income ones. Moreover, with the improved social welfare level, male students significantly over-perform in the high-stakes settings whereas female students are not affected. These effects are more pronounced for students for whom the social welfare matters more in present or in the future and the insignificant welfare impact on girls is caused by the economic incentives generated by patrilocality.     国际经济系列讲座 欧洲科技创新与绿色经济转型     主讲人:   张敏(中国社会科学院欧洲研究所研究员)   主持老师:   吴侨玲(北京大学经济学院教授)   时间:   2021年12月16日(周四)   10:00-12:00   地点:   北京大学第二教学楼413教室   主讲人简介:   张敏,中国社会科学院欧洲研究所研究员,创新工程研究团队首席研究员,享受国务院政府特贴专家。现任中国社会科学院科英布拉中国研究中心执行主任(中方)、中国欧洲学会理事、对外经贸大学葡语研究中心副主任、国家社科基金评审专家。兼任中国社会科学院西班牙研究中心主任,博士生导师,澳门城市大学特聘导师;曾在荷兰蒂尔堡大学、西班牙巴塞罗那大学、马德里自治大学、英国皇家科学院、德国弗莱堡大学、比利时科学院、芬兰科学院、欧洲政策研究中心、葡萄牙科英布拉等大学与智库机构进行访问与研究。   先后主持和主要参与中国社科院重大研究项目:《欧盟科技创新与绿色增长》、《欧盟国家经济改革理论与实践》、《西班牙政治与经济研究》、《欧盟国家低碳经济理论与实践》的研究工作。参与撰写《欧洲国家蓝皮书》(年度系列报告,从1996至今),主编之一《葡语国家蓝皮书》(始于2015),《中国对外援助》(合著)、《欧盟国家经济改革理论与实践》(合著)、《欧洲资本主义的未来》(合译)、《当代西班牙经济与政治》(独著)、列国志《西班牙》(独著)、发表学术论文50余篇。     北大经院工作坊第399场 The Sunshine Effects on Solar Loan Repayments 阳光对光伏贷偿还的影响 生态、环境与气候经济学工作坊       主讲人:   秦雨(新加坡国立大学商学院副教授)   主持老师:   (北大现代农学院)侯玲玲   参与老师:   (北大经院)章政、张博、李虹、张鹏飞、季曦、刘政文、梁远宁   (北大国发院)徐晋涛、王敏、邢剑炜、   易媛媛   (北大现代农学院)刘承芳、解伟、王悦   时间:   2021年12月16日(周四)   14:00-16:00   形式:   腾讯会议   会议号:611 823 536   主讲人简介:   秦雨,康奈尔大学应用经济学博士,现为新加坡国立大学商学院副教授,研究方向为交通、环境经济学、土地和住房市场。担任 China Economic Review共同主编、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization副主编、Journal of Economic Geography编委会委员。近年来在《Nature Climate Change》、《JAMA Network Open》、《Journal of Environmental Economics and Management》、《Journal of Comparative Economics》、《Journal of Public Economics》、《China Economic Review》等期刊发表文章。   摘要:   Solar loans are increasingly used to promote residential solar photovoltaic expansion. However, a critical problem with financing residential solar energy is the high default rate. This paper studies the psychological effects of sunshine on borrowers’ repayment behaviors. Using administrative datasets from China, we show that borrowers are 20.8 percent less likely to be delinquent if the sunshine duration is one standard deviation longer in the week of repayment deadline. The evidence is most consistent with behavioral bias that borrowers mispredict future revenue based on the current weather conditions. Other explanations such as intertemporal substitution, liquidity constraints, strategic default, or moods are less consistent with the evidence. Furthermore, borrowers partially learn from past experiences. We highlight the importance of psychological factors in loan design, particularly in the renewable energy sector.     北大经院工作坊第400场 Inefficient Investment Cycles  无效率的投资周期 宏观经济学工作坊       主讲人:   徐思闯 (香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院助理教授)   主持老师:   (北大国发院)李明浩     参与老师:   (北大国发院)赵波、余昌华   (北大经院)陈仪、韩晗、李博、李伦   时间:   2021年12月16日(周四)   14:00-15:30     形式:   Zoom会议平台   会议号:921 9240 1964   密码:707175   主讲人简介:   徐思闯是香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院的助理教授。他的主要研究兴趣是宏观经济学,金融经济学与国际经济学。他的文章发表在Journal of International Economics上。   摘要:   We study the efficiency properties of aggregate investment fluctuations in a continuoustime dynamic contract setting. An increase in aggregate investment demand increases the price of capital goods, which, in tum, aggravates the moral hazard problem. We show that the optimal competitive contract between households and financial intermediaries results in socially excessive investment during expansions and insufficient investment during recessions. We analytically characterize the optimal prudential policy and show that the fluctuations in aggregate productivity is the driver for two-sided inefficiencies over investment cycles.     北大经院工作坊第401场 Asset Prices with Wealth Dispersion 资产价格和财富的离散程度 计量、金融和大数据分析工作坊       主讲人:   郭俊杰(中央财经大学金融学院助理教授)   主持老师:   (北大经院)王熙   参与老师:   (北大经院)王一鸣、刘蕴霆   (北大国发院)沈艳、黄卓、孙振庭、   张俊妮   (北大新结构)胡博   时间:   2021年12月17日(周五)    10:00-11:30    地点:   北京大学经济学院107会议室   主讲人简介:   郭俊杰,中央财经大学金融学院助理教授,分别于2020年和2014年获得美国印第安纳大学经济学博士学位和中国人民大学金融学学士学位。郭俊杰博士的研究领域是货币财政政策和宏观金融。其研究成果发表(含已接受待发表)在《经济研究》、《管理世界》以及《Journal of Applied Econometrics》等国内外核心期刊,主持一项国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目。   摘要:   With overlapping generations and heterogeneous risk aversion there is no unique relation between aggregate risk aversion and the real rate of interest, and this type of endogenous noise cannot arise in an economy where agents live forever. Our framework accommodates many agent types and the noise emerges precisely because all (but one) consumption shares drive the economy. Adding wealth dispersion to aggregate risk aversion sufficiently summarizes the rich dynamics of the model. Consistent with the model, we construct level and slope factors that do not require knowledge about agents' risk aversion to predict excess returns.     北京大学金融午餐讨论会第2期 Anomalies in the Age of Machine 机器时代的因子异象      主讲人:   孟令超(北京大学经济学院金融学系博士生,研究方向:实证资产定价、文本分析、行为金融)   题目:   Anomalies in the Age of Machine(机器时代的因子异象)   时间:   2021年12月16日(周四)   12:00-13:30   地点:   北京大学经济学院302会议室   摘要:   As machines play a more and more important role in modern financial markets, how are the patterns of asset prices impacted? We shed light on this issue by investigating the effect of increased machine readership, proxied by machine downloads on EDGAR, on prominent equity return anomalies. We find that the average returns of anomalies constructed using stocks with more machine downloads are much lower, which cannot be explained by alternative theories. The impact of machine downloads increases over time and is stronger when human investors have more biased expectations. The better processing of information and faster trading jointly contribute to the effect of machine downloads. Also, our findings are more consistent with the mispricing theory than risk compensation theory. Overall, our work uncovers the important role of machine downloads on improving the market efficiency.     北大经院学术午餐会第175期 What's in a Face? An Experiment on Facial Information and Loan Approval Decision      主讲人:   陈泽阳(北京大学光华管理学院博士候选人)   主持老师:   高明(北京大学经济学院副教授)   时间:   2021年12月17日(周五)   12:30-14:00   地点:    北京大学经济学院107会议室   主讲人简介:   陈泽阳现为北京大学光华管理学院博士候选人。她于2017年获得北京大学光华管理学院经济学学士学位与中文系中国语言与文学学士双学位,并被评为北京市优秀毕业生。研究兴趣包括行为与实验经济学、行为金融学、AI以及数字经济,曾获第一届、第二届中国行为与实验经济学论坛优秀论文奖,学术论文收到Management Science、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization等期刊的修改意见。   摘要:   Facial information is essential in daily life but relatively little is known about whether seeing a face improves people’s decision quality. This experimental paper studies the loan approval decisions based on the historical cash loan data with real repayment outcomes, and exogenously varies whether and how a borrower’s facial information is provided. We find that facial information does not improve subjects’ decisions, despite the fact that it can predict repayment behavior in a machine learning algorithm. This is because subjects have various biases in evaluating facial photos; and they rely excessively on facial information in making the loan approval decisions.     第154次北大赛瑟(CCISSR)双周讨论会 保险资金的资产配置     主讲人:   余浩(中国人寿养老保险公司投资中心副总经理)   时间:   2021年12月17日(周五)   15:00-16:30   地点:    北京大学经济学院302会议室   主持人:   朱南军(北京大学经济学院教授)   语言:   中文   主讲人简介:   余浩主要经历:   北师大哲学系(本科),美国Villanova大学商业金融学院MBA(研究生)   主要工作经历:   2007年-2016年中国人民人寿保险股份有限公司财务部副总经理/投资部副总经理 管理资产规模约4000亿元   2016-2017广发基金总经理助理   2017-2020中邮人寿投资业务总监   2020年-中国人寿养老保险公司投资中心副总经理   中国保险资产管理业协会资管产品专家委员会(原)副主任委员   (原)中国保险资产管理业协会机构专业委员会委员   (原)中国保监会项目资产支持计划专家评审委员   主办单位:   北京大学中国保险与社会保障研究中心   北京大学经济学院风险管理与保险学系        供稿单位:经济学院科研办公室、国际经济与贸易系   美编:初夏、随风   责编:量子、禾雨、予天


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